5 Full-Body Workouts You Can Do at Home

Fitness Workout for Men

Transferred from your local gym to a home gym? Don’t worry—you’ve got this covered. There are plenty of ways to keep your body challenged, get stronger, and get leaner. Many people have the notion that home workouts aren’t much more than doing a series of push-ups and bodyweight squats, but that isn’t so.

Obviously, you will be able to do more with your workouts if you do have access to some dumbbells or even a barbell, however, there are still plenty of ways to get fit in the comfort of your own home without them.

Here are five workouts, each designed for a different goal, to get you on your feet and moving. Whichever you choose, make sure you perform a good warm-up before you train and a cool-down afterward.

1. The Beginner’s Total Circuit

This workout has it all—abs, strength training, cardio, and even some agility. If you’re just starting out in fitness and aren’t really looking to specialize, it’s the one for you.

Work your way through the circuit doing the number of reps as indicated. Rest after each exercise for about 15-30 seconds—just long enough to catch your breath. Then carry on.

Over time, you should notice that you’re spending increasingly less time resting. When the work starts to feel too easy, it’s time to move to something more advanced.

You will need your own body, a chair or box, and a set of dumbbells for this workout. Women will want to use 5-10-pound dumbbells, while men will probably want to use 20-25-pounders.

The Beginner’s Total Circuit

Perform the exercises in order, resting 15-30 seconds between exercises.
Walking Lunge

1 set, 20 reps (alternating, 10 reps per side, rest 15-30 sec.)

1 set, 10 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

Ab bicycle

1 set, 20 reps (alternating, 10 reps per side, rest 15-30 sec.)

Jumping Jack

1 set, 1 min (rest 15-30 sec.)

Bodyweight squat

1 set, 20 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

Dumbbell bent-over row

1 set, 10 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

1 set, 1 min (rest 15-30 sec.)

Dumbbell step-up

1 set, 20 reps (alternating, 10 reps per side, rest 15-30 sec.)

Standing dumbbell shoulder press

1 set, 10 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

Lying Leg Raise

1 set, 10 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

1 set, 10 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

Dumbbell Bicep Curl

1 set, 10 reps (rest 15-30 sec.)

Side-to-side box skip

1 set, 20 reps (alternating, 10 reps per side, rest 15-30 sec.)

Single-arm dumbbell triceps extension

1 set, 10 reps (left side, rest 15-30 sec.)

Single-arm dumbbell triceps extension

1 set, 10 reps (right side, no rest)

Dumbbell Curl

2. Advanced Strength Builder

If you’re a little more advanced and are looking to build up your strength, this workout will do the job nicely. While you probably won’t have a maximum amount of weight available at home, you do have the ability to build up intensity by increasing the total time under tension. You can do that with dropsets, supersets, and timed sets. This workout is full of those techniques.

Work your way through the exercises as indicated. Since the workout includes dropsets, it’s helpful if you can have at least three different sets of dumbbells of descending weights on hand.

Advanced Strength Builder

Seated Dumbbell Press

Perform as a double dropset. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, then perform 8 more reps. Drop the weight again and perform 6 more reps.

1 set, 10 reps

Dumbbell squat

Perform as a double dropset. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, then perform 8 more reps. Drop the weight again and perform 6 more reps.

1 set, 10 reps

Dumbbell bent-over row

Perform as a double dropset. Do 10 reps, drop the weight, then perform 8 more reps. Drop the weight again and perform 6 more reps.

1 set, 10 reps

Standing dumbbell shoulder press

1 set, 90 sec

Perform the exercises in order with no rest between exercises and 30 sec. of rest between rounds.
Dumbbell Lateral Raise

3 sets, 15 reps (no rest)

Dumbbell front raise

3 sets, 15 reps (rest 30 sec. )

Rear Delt Fly

1 set, 60 sec

1 set, 1 min

At home Dumbbell Lunge.

3. Fat Incinerator Cardio Booster

If fat loss is the name of your game, this program will work exceptionally well. The key here is to keep your body moving by alternating intense intervals with active periods of rest. So basically, you’re mimicking a high-intensity interval training session done on the treadmill, bike, or elliptical.

Work your way through the exercises as indicated, repeating where necessary. Note that the sets get progressively harder as you go, so if you find yourself sputtering out before you reach the end, that’s OK. Just keep working at it until you can complete the workout in its entirety.

This is a fast-paced session that won’t take very long (20 minutes at most) but will surely push your limits.

Fat Incinerator Cardio Booster

Bodyweight Jump Squat

4. The 10-Minute Full-Body Energy Booster

If you’re trying to get a complete workout first thing in the morning but don’t have much time, this one is perfect. It’ll rev up your energy and get your metabolic rate going, and you can do it quickly in your living room before you hop into the shower and get ready for work.

You’ll do some cardio and strength moves in this one along with some core activation, so it’s good for those who want better all-around fitness.

The 10-Minute Full-Body Energy Booster

Perform the exercises in order with no rest between exercises and 1 min. of rest between rounds.
Bodyweight squat

1 set, 20 reps (no rest)

1 set, 60 reps (rest 60 sec. )

Perform the exercises in order with no rest between exercises and 1 min. of rest between rounds.
Jumping Jack

1 set, 20 reps (no rest)

Standing dumbbell shoulder press

1 set, 20 reps (rest 60 sec. )

Perform the exercises in order with no rest between exercises and 1 min. of rest between rounds.
Dumbbell bent-over row

1 set, 15 reps (no rest)

Dumbbell Walking Lunge

1 set, 20 reps (alternating, 10 reps per leg, rest 1 min.)

Perform the exercises in order with no rest between exercises and 1 min. of rest between rounds.
1 set, 30 sec (no rest)

1 set, 15 reps (rest 1 min.)

Perform the exercises in order with no rest between exercises and 1 min. of rest between rounds.
Dumbbell Deadlift

1 set, 20 reps (no rest)

Ab bicycle

1 set, 40 reps (alternating, 20 reps per side, rest 1 min.)

Bodyweight Chair Dip

5. Core Sculptor

If it’s a core workout you’re looking for, but you still want to get in a full-body workout, this is the perfect choice. You’ll alternate cardio exercises with core movements to get the best of both worlds. By the time you’re through, you’ll feel your abs burning and will know you’ve revved your metabolic engine.

Core Sculptor

Perform the exercises in order, resting as little as possible between exercises and 1 min. between rounds.
2 sets, 10 reps (no rest)

Ab bicycle

2 sets, 40 reps (alternating, 20 reps per side, no rest)

Mountain climber

2 sets, 20 reps (no rest)

Lying Leg Raise

2 sets, 20 reps (no rest)

Jumping Jack

2 sets, 30 reps (no rest)

2 sets, 30 sec (no rest)

High knees

2 sets, 50 reps (alternating, 25 reps per side, no rest)

Side Plank

2 sets, 1 mins (alternating, 30 sec. per side, rest 1 min.)

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