Meet John Bezerra, Owner of John Bezerra Fitness [Interview]


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  • Pursue Mentorship
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Starting a fitness practice that has lasted over three decades and that has given one access to hundreds of celebrities and athletes is quite an achievement and liable to make one arrogant and complacent. John Bezerra, however, is not your typical celebrity trainer.

Despite the longevity and success that he’s had as a trainer and coach, John has remained humble and coachable himself. He takes pride in the attention to detail he provides to his clients as well as his neverending thirst to better himself and his clients through education. Find out his brand passionate and compassionate coaching has enabled him to produce successful results for celebrities and laymen alike.

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Meet John Bezerra, Owner of John Bezerra Fitness

Schimri Yoyo: Welcome back. This is Schimri Yoyo with We’re continuing our interview series with fitness experts. Today, we are blessed to have a longtime strength coach who has longtime longevity in this industry, John Bezerra of John Bezerra Fitness. He’s out in Las Vegas.

We thank you for participating in our series, John.

John Bezerra: Yeah, thank you. The pleasure’s all mine.

Schimri Yoyo: Alright. Well, let’s just jump into it. I know your background was a little bit in bodybuilding, but just describe to us how you developed a love for health and fitness.

John Bezerra: You know, it’s crazy because it kind of found me. I was an athlete growing up. I was from a small town, so parents put me into sports to keep me out of trouble. I played sports in high school. And then in college, I got hurt, and I actually hired a trainer to help me with my rehab.

I really liked what he was doing a whole lot better than what I was learning. I was actually in medical school. I liked that route much more than traditional medicine. That’s kind of when I fell in love with it and just made it a career.

Schimri Yoyo: That’s awesome. You said you played a lot of sports growing up. Which ones did you participate in? Which ones were your favorite?

John Bezerra: Man, I played baseball, I raced BMX, obviously, bodybuilding was later, but in high school all the way through college I wrestled, I played football. But my favorite sports were always individual ones. I kind of thrived in BMX racing. I won a national championship in the 80s.

Then, in wrestling, I have three national titles in freestyle wrestling. And then, later on in bodybuilding, I got a national title in that. So I’m kind of blessed. But they’re all individual sports. So I guess it’s kind of ironic I’m a coach now because I really wasn’t a team player, it seems like, from my choice of sports.

Schimri Yoyo: Yeah. Well, definitely, you seem to have the physique and just the tenacity for wrestling, so I could definitely see that.

John Bezerra: Yeah, thank you. Thank you. I loved it.

Schimri Yoyo: Nice. Now, when you decided to get into the profession of bodybuilding and also in training, did you have any mentors or any colleagues that you looked to for advice?

John Bezerra: I did. I did. The way my parents and my grandparents raised me, is they raised me to find mentors. So I was lucky enough to learn that at a very early age. The guy that I hired for my rehab, his name was Joe DeAngelis.

At the time, he was Mr. America, Mr. Universe. He’s passed on now, a few years back. But I learned everything the right way from him. He kept me from going down the wrong path. He ended up being my coach throughout my whole competitive career. Yeah, I just owe everything to him, because he was a very, very smart, educated bodybuilder, not just a garage bodybuilder. He was very educated. I learned quite a bit from him.

Schimri Yoyo: Well, it seems like you were blessed to have a great mentor. Rest in peace to him and condolences to his family.

So now you’ve been in and around the entertainment industry for much of your career as a coach. What song would you pick for the soundtrack of your life or career? And what movie title would be the best to parallel your life or career?

John Bezerra: Man, it’s going to be so cliché. It’s like, I mean, how can it not be Rocky? Right?

Schimri Yoyo: Nice.

John Bezerra: How could it not be Rocky? I mean, it’s just, like, everything about me was an underdog. I was a small kid. I got beat up in junior high. I was puny. I wasn’t the best athlete. It was just lots of hard work. I mean, I’m nothing compared to Rocky, but that just completely parallels my story. So 100 percent, Rocky.

Schimri Yoyo:  Nice. Yeah, Rocky, Eye of the Tiger. So you know your audience because I’m in the Philadelphia area.

John Bezerra: There you go.

Schimri Yoyo: And he’s definitely—definitely any opportunity we get to big-up Rocky we take that. That’s awesome.

John Bezerra: I’m going to run those stairs one day, man. One day.

Schimri Yoyo: You let me know. I’ll come out with you.

John Bezerra: Deal. It’s a deal.

Schimri Yoyo: Alright. When you’re not coaching and training, what are some other things you like to do for fun?

John Bezerra: You know, I have a daughter and a granddaughter. My daughter’s 26, my granddaughter’s six. I love spending time with them. They don’t live very close. We live about five hours apart. But as much time as I can spend with them.

Then, I’m engaged now. We’ve got a nice house here in Vegas, a couple of dogs. We both work hard, but we do enjoy—right now, we’ve got the nice weather in Vegas for basically two weeks, then it gets bad again. But we enjoy patio dining and just hanging out and sightseeing. Pretty laid back. We just enjoy life. Everything we do we enjoy.

Schimri Yoyo: Amen.

John Bezerra: From when the sun comes up until it goes down.

Schimri Yoyo: Man, that’s great. You’ve got to—we only live once, so you’ve got to make sure you make the most of it and enjoy the experiences while you can.

John Bezerra: Absolutely.

Educate Yourself and Your Clients

Schimri Yoyo: That’s a great philosophy there. Think about your philosophy of training and coaching. What one word would best describe your methodology of coaching?

John Bezerra: Education. It’s just such a great industry. It’s kind of a shame. And nothing against any trainer, but we don’t really have a regulation on trainers in this country. I know in Canada you have to have at least a bachelor’s degree. So a lot of people get into the industry and they get right into it and they’re coaching people.

And some of them just—I mean, it takes time. It takes time to learn. It should be an ongoing … you should be educating yourself every day. And sometimes we’ll get stuck in this just one program where we think that all our clients are going to benefit from that.

Everybody’s different, man. I mean, everybody on this planet has a different biological makeup. Educating yourself and really listening to your clients and adapting to them is really the key. But, 100 percent, educate.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, what’s the main difference that you’ve noticed when training a professional athlete versus training a celebrity/entertainer, and then versus training an amateur?

John Bezerra: Again, it goes into really understanding what their individual need is because it’s all different. A professional athlete, most of the time it’s very explosive strength, explosive speed, anti-injury. Most of the time with a professional athlete you’re always working around an injury, so addressing it and putting a program together that addresses the injury and helps move the injury in the right direction, and at the same time, moving them in the right direction.

Usually, with the celebrities, it’s a really quick turnaround. It’s usually 90 days or less. They’re trying to get in shape just for that one specific role.

Then, the average person, that’s my bread and the butter. That’s the people that really need the help, technically. It’s, again, addressing their individual needs and listening to them and not giving them a cookie-cutter program. It’s just really important. If you treat your everyday clients like you do your celebrities and athletes, I mean, that’s I think what makes a really great trainer. Everybody’s equal and everybody’s 100-percent important.

Schimri Yoyo: Okay, that makes sense. Even though the programs might be customizable as far as the individual needs, but the same attention to detail goes into every one of your clients.

John Bezerra: 100 percent. Yes, sir.

Schimri Yoyo: What’s the relationship that you’ve seen between strengthening, conditioning, injury prevention, and then rehabilitation? How do those things all work together?

John Bezerra: Well, you know, the thing is, a lot of times—In my early career, I was lifting incorrectly, and I thought just the most amount of weight possible was the way to go. And I had a lot of injuries. So when I started addressing my own injuries and being proactive before they happened, that’s kind of when the magic happened. So, it’s really listening to your client.

I do something unique. I do structural realignment on everybody. The majority of my clients now—and I believe it’s the majority of my clients because I choose that to be—is the 40-and-over crowd. It’s a huge market. Most trainers are younger nowadays, especially online coaches, but I address everybody’s structure. So, you know, rotator cuff, neck injuries, knee problems, back problems, they’re a pretty easy fix.

And unless it was a dynamic injury, something that happened on the spot, it’s usually because of misalignment. So when you can get them aligned up and everything starts firing—I mean, I think that really should be the cornerstone of everybody, even the younger ones, but especially people my age, because we all have those aches and pains. So realignment, and then addressing the program on what their goals are based on when their structure is ready to put that effort forward.

Schimri Yoyo: That makes sense. You mentioned it a little bit in your previous answer, but how are some ways that you help your clients to be proactive not only in their training but also in their recovery from training?

John Bezerra: The first thing you’ve got to ask as a trainer—you’ve got to listen. It’s important as a trainer not to try to impress the client. They need to know what you’re going to do for them. As a trainer, if you can’t do that, you need to be real honest. So everything that I do is, again, making them feel better. We want to increase energy. The 50-and-over crowd, the heaviest point in a person’s life is between 47, 55 to 60.

That’s when you’re going to be the heaviest. That’s when you have the most inflammation in your body. Then, after that when your weight starts going down it’s usually because there’s muscle degeneration, tissue, bone loss and things like that.

So in the age group that I really specify [that] you’ve got to be aligned correctly, you’ve got to have a full range of motion, you have to do the exercises in a full range of motion and not an altered range of motion. We’ve all seen people in the gym where they’re lifting tons of weight and they’re rocking their body back and forth and the muscle’s kind of working in this mid-range.

But if you’re not working that all the way in the connective tissue and in the tie-ins, that’s going to end up being a weak area and there are going to be problems later on. So, everything I do is a full range of motion, points of flexion, structure realignment.

Then, once you get those things firing, really, the muscle has had a response. It absorbs the blood better, it gets a better pump. If you put the right structure together and don’t throw any of the pieces of the puzzle away, you’ll have great results. But we all want quick results. You know how guys are with big arms and chests, girls want glutes and legs. But you’ve got to do everything, and it has to be balanced and functional.

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Schimri Yoyo: That makes sense. Now, how are speed, strength, and mobility all related when it comes to the training and coaching that you do with athletes?

John Bezerra: There are different types. Some people are slow-twitch specific, and some people are fast-twitch. So part of it’s genetic. There are those kids that we grew up with in junior high that were just the fastest, strongest kids. So to say that genetics isn’t a huge part of it would be a misconception, so to speak.

I work with a couple of Hall of Fame tennis players right now, and they’re retired, and they’re both just very slow-twitch athletes. They could go for three or four hours and just never get tired. If I get on the tennis court, five minutes, I’m done. So just to really understand that the really elite athletes, there’s a lot of genetics involved.

Now, if you’re fighting against the genetics, then you’re going to have to do things to counter those. In other words, for myself, I would have to do a lot of endurance training, a lot of long-distance—I hate running, but I’d have to do running and a lot of plyometrics and things to get my cardiovascular system up to the requirements of the muscle.

So it’s such an individual thing. It’s not even—a strength athlete or an actor or a long-distance athlete, it’s just, again, really understanding the way that a person’s body works. And it takes—when I take a client on, it takes a little bit because we have this orientation phase.

The first two, three weeks we’re getting used to each other and we’re seeing what muscles fatigue, which ones get sore the quickest, which ones stay sore the longest, what the recovery’s like. So, I mean, there’s this whole orientation phase that you really need to put the perfect program together for that individual.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, how do you incorporate nutrition into your coaching? What’s that discussion like?

John Bezerra: Man, I’m a jerk—when it comes to nutrition—on my clients. I literally make every one of my clients—my phone, since we’ve been talking, has gone off nine times. I make every client take a picture of the meal they’re eating right now and text it to me. So I keep a real-time log of what they’re eating.

Sometimes if you have MyFitnessPal or if you’re writing it down, I don’t see the visual on there. So there are things that slip through the cracks. But if I can see the meal, I can get within a few grams of the macronutrients. And the other thing it does is it also gives me a timeline, so I know exactly when they’re eating. But that’s really the cornerstone of my program.

We know that without nutrition the results aren’t going to be that great. So I start with structural realignment, nutrition, and then the weight training’s, for lack of better words, it’s the third thing on the list. But, yeah, I’m the—I’m mean, man. When it comes to nutrition, I’m on their butt.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, it’s obvious by the way you speak about your profession and your clients that you definitely have a passion and a love for that. So it’s easy to see how you can motivate your clients with that passion because it’s authentic.

But what are some of the ways that you measure progress and success for your clients, and what are some ways that you measure them for yourself as you’re helping them to be passionate about the goals they’ve set for themselves?

John Bezerra: It’s easy for me because in the demographic I’m really specializing in, the 40-and-over crowd, a lot of those people just want to feel better. Not a lot of them really want abs and so forth. But the funny thing is, once they start feeling better, their energy goes up and they start losing a little body fat, usually, then all of a sudden they’re like, “You know, I would be okay with maybe seeing if I could get a six-pack.”

So my gauge is on that client, “Are they happy with what’s looking back at them in the mirror? Do they feel good? Are they moving in the right direction?” And the bottom line is: we can take the weight, we can take measurements, we can take body fast tests, but the most important thing is that you’re happy with that thing that’s looking back at you, that person that’s looking back at you in the mirror.

So all my studies and my before-and-afters, I don’t do anything other than pictures. Because the bottom line is, that’s what’s important. Because numbers can be deceiving. Weights and the scale, for sure, can be deceiving. That’s the biggest negative thing in what we do.

So, yeah, I just gauge my success on the way they feel, their energy level going up, they’re looking better in the mirror, they’re fitting better in clothes, and they’re looking at the 60, 70 and 80-year marks as not scary anymore. So that’s a big plus for me. That makes me happy.

Schimri Yoyo: And in what ways do you balance helping your clients push towards their goals and their physical peaks, and then also help to limit the burnout or injury risk?

John Bezerra: I’m not going to toot my own horn, but 33 years in the business, I haven’t got one hurt client. That’s pretty good. It’s pretty good. But I don’t do high-risk movements. I don’t—as much as people think squats and deadlifts and overhead presses—at a certain point, it’s like, “Why are you doing that? Are you trying to be a world-class athlete? Or are you trying to feel better and look better?” So sometimes we have to have that conversation.

A lot of people like CrossFit. For me, as an aging athlete, it doesn’t make sense. I’m not trying to compete in a sport anymore. I want to feel healthy. And there’s a high risk in certain types of things like that. So, luckily, if anything, I’ve helped my clients with [avoiding] injuries.

I got into this [industry] because I was injured. I blew my back out. That’s why I hired Joe DeAngelis. I learned a lot about that. I realized that the back thing if you haven’t had your lower back go out, it’s awful. It’s right up there with a broken leg or migraines or all that stuff that just debilitates you.

So, fortunately, we help clients with injuries. Like, right now I had a client have surgery on her foot. She fell down the stairs. She’s actually the ex-Buns of Steel girl [Editor: Tamilee Webb — see the video below] on all the DVDs back in the day, so she’s an athlete. She had three days of recuperation. She has her little scooter. “Alright. We have a lot of other body parts we can train. You’re not going to get off track from a broken ankle.”

So it’s just working around the injuries, making the injuries better, keeping the energy level up, and just reinventing the exercise all the time. Don’t let them get stagnant. They’re going to feed off your energy. It’s a team effort for sure.

Schimri Yoyo: It seems like a big part of—you mentioned educate is the word that would best describe your philosophy and practice, but it seems that’s truly the case, because you’re not just educating yourself, but educating in real-time, knowing your clients very well, so that you can know what are the risk factors and to create the program that’s going to be the best for them. It’s great to hear you actually model what you believe in that.

John Bezerra: Thank you.

Schimri Yoyo: Let’s talk about your business day-to-day. How is it that you budget your time and your energy between all your different entrepreneurial pursuits? I know you coach, you train, you do podcasts, you do interviews like this with me. So how do you manage your time between all these endeavors?

John Bezerra: You know, I’m sure you’ve had people in your life where you say, “Hey, you should do this. You should exercise.” And then there are those people that say, “I just don’t have time.” Man, if I have time, anybody has time. Because I start—I set my alarm about two, two and a half hours before I have to do anything, and I just reflect in the morning. I have my coffee, I spend some time with my dogs, I read every morning, and I’m constantly trying to educate myself. I go from 5:00 in the morning until about 9:45, 10:00 at night.

The good thing is, I’m cutting my face-to-face clients down. I have about 13 or 14. I’m really focusing online. The great thing about online is it takes about an eighth of the time to do the same amount of work. So I can do a few client programs, do a few calls. If I want to—I don’t really watch much TV—but if I want to watch a show on TV, I have the flexibility to do that.

But to answer your question, I’m just much, much better as a person busy than not. When I’m busy, my momentum’s going, my energy’s up, yeah, I’m just better that way. So I’m good with 12, 15, 18-hour days. It’s not a problem.

Schimri Yoyo: I understand that, man.

What is that old saying, “An idle mind is the Devil’s playground?”

John Bezerra: Absolutely.

Schimri Yoyo: So, yeah, keeping busy keeps you out of trouble.

John Bezerra: Yep, yep, 100 percent.

Be Prepared, Active, and Accessible

Schimri Yoyo: That’s right. Now, take this opportunity to brag about yourself a little bit. I mean, we heard a little bit about your philosophy, but give us little soundbite of what makes it unique about the experience being trained at John Bezerra Fitness. What’s the most unique thing or what’s the pizazz thing?

John Bezerra: You know, I hate bragging about myself. I’m going to tell you, I just got a new client. Well, she’s 90 days in. She’s had great results. But in her words, she’s had several clients—and this is an email she sent me. I should probably pull it up—but she said, “From day one, I could tell that [you] really cared.” Which I do. And that I’m very accessible.

So a lot of times when people are getting ready to make a bad choice with food or grocery shopping, they’re trying to get a hold of their coach—and, trust me, I’m not a template coach. I’m not a coach that’s ever going to have 1,000 clients. I have a cap. Because the minute that I’m not able to give my clients time is the minute that I’m done. So I’ll never go template, I won’t sell out. I’ve made a very good living at this. I’m comfortable with what I do.

But I want to make sure every single one of my clients gets a unique and very personal experience. So I would say, out of anything, I’m accessible and I’m always there. I’ve talked clients off the ledge. You know, “This is going on in my life.” Just being able to communicate with them, and being—I got a life coach certification, too, and I believe that really helps the personal training thing, too, because you can address things in ways that aren’t very aggressive.

Chances are that I’m going to be on a pretty popular TV show next year around fat loss. So the reason that I got chosen, and a few things have to happen, is I’m not the drill sergeant coach. I’m not going to ever tear anybody down to build them up. Every time we’re in the gym, when it gets hard I use positive words, tell them how good they’re doing. I’ll never be the yelling, mean coach that we’ve seen on TV before.

I mean, I like that about myself, but I’m giving that full credit to the way I was raised. We’re a product of our environment, and I was just raised with very positive people.

Schimri Yoyo: That’s good. Yeah, that positive environment and that empathy towards your clients goes a long way.

John Bezerra: Yeah, for sure.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, you are a bestselling author. Give us a brief summary of some of your written work.

John Bezerra: So, years ago, we did a book series, and it ended up turning into a video series. It was called Strength Through Science. My specific portion was the science of fat loss. It did very well. A lot of basketball players bought it because it was tied into the science of jumping, for obvious reasons. That was my specific fitness thing.

Then, about when the real estate market crashed, I was in Southern California. I had a couple-million-dollar house at the time, which was ridiculous. And it went away.

That’s how I kind of ended up in Vegas. I kind of stepped back from training a little bit and I got into the whole network marketing thing. And I did really well. I did very well in that business. But, two, three, four years into it, was making good money, but, man, that wasn’t me. Do you know what I mean? I was meant to be in the fitness world.

So the book that I wrote that was a bestselling book, I think it was for Amazon Books. It wasn’t a fitness book. It was just a positive business—it was with Brian Tracy. He’s a very famous author. I think he’s got literally 100 bestselling books. So I was a co-author in that. [Editor’s note: The book he’s referring to is Success Manifesto]

But, yeah, it’s a weird little four-year period in my life where I was trying something else. I literally just walked away from that business about six months ago. I was doing it part-time. And there’s ups and downs. There’s, “This will come in,” and a company goes out of business.

But there’s ups and downs. People get frustrated, products come and go, plans change. Then, I realized, I go, “The one thing that’s never let me down and never let the people down around me was fitness.” So it was like, “This is what I’m going to do for the rest of my life.”

So just to answer your question, that book was based on business. It does have a little bit of my background in it. It’s basically positive—God, there’s so many I could name, you know, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, and Power of Positive Thinking. I’ve read all those. I was just kind of incorporating my own version of that in the book.

Schimri Yoyo: Now, what ways do you leverage social media and technology to promote your services?

John Bezerra: Oh my God. I’m on social media. In fact, I’ve got a decent following. I think I maybe have 30,000, 35,000 people combined on all the social media. But I’m not technical, man. I’m book smart. I’m mathematical. But technology beats me up.

We were at the coffee place the other day and I was putting some online stuff together, and my fiance was with me for this exact reason. And I go, “Hey, I just need to email you. I need to forward you these emails so you can put them in a file.” She goes, “Forward them.” And I go, “How do I do that?” Okay. So that’s how bad I am at technology.

But to answer your question, social media’s been great. It expands our network of people worldwide, which is amazing. So I’m working with people in different countries. It’s really cool. If you use it for the right reasons and not trying to get into the drama side of it and stuff, not using it for a dating app or something like that, it’s an amazing thing.

I love where this whole online thing’s going. I’m trying to really change the way people see the online thing. Instead of paying a few bucks and getting a pre-written diet, I’m just trying to flip the script just a little bit.

Schimri Yoyo: John, we are appreciative of your time. I don’t want to take up too much more of your time. I just have a couple more questions before we go.

What is something that you’ve learned in your three decades plus in the fitness world that you wish you would have known when you first started as an entrepreneur?

John Bezerra: If I would have looked at the entrepreneur part of my life, the actual business part, or even the fitness part, the business fitness part, if I would have just—and I got this a while back—if I would have just put the same program together that I did for a bodybuilding show, I would have had success.

And it’s basically just having your roadmap written out, having the right education, the right frame of mind, and just making sure you get from steps A, B, C, and down the line without stopping. I mean, literally, business is just like that.

So now, being in my 50s, I use a couple of stories. I tell stories when I’m talking to people, friends, and family: a lot of fitness stuff and a lot of car stuff. I love cars. So I’m like, “If a car—you have to have the engine, the fuel blah, blah, blah.”

Men take a long time to mature. I mean, you’re probably a lot more mature, but I felt like I barely started maturing when I was 40. Too many obstacles before that. But just literally having that game plan and implementing every step along the way, not trying to take out one of the components. The best analogy for that is buying a puzzle, and then taking a handful of the pieces and throwing them away and trying to complete the puzzle.

That’s what I’ve learned: just have a good game plan, have a good mentor, make sure the people you’re listening from are people that you want to emulate, make sure that they have the things you want.You’re not going to become a trainer day one and ask your friend that became the trainer the same day as you. You want to make sure you’re listening to the right people. I think that kind of goes for everything in life.

Schimri Yoyo: That’s true: that preparation and, like you said, having that knowledge base and structure that mentorship can provide for you goes a long way.

John Bezerra: For sure.

Schimri Yoyo: That’s a valuable answer. Lastly, John, what resources, whether books, podcasts, magazines, would you recommend to our audience? It could be fitness-based or business-based or just positivity. What are some of those recommendations that you think would be valuable for our audience to know about?

John Bezerra: There’s one book—the title’s a little misleading unless you’ve heard of it. It’s a very old book. I think it was probably written—don’t quote me, but maybe in the 20s or 30s. It’s an old book. It’s called How to Win Friends and Influence People. And it sounds like you’re trying to get something over on somebody, but it’s really not. That book has done so much for me when it comes to just interacting with different personalities.

The biggest thing that we have—and a lot of times in relationships we’ll have our opinion, and we believe our opinion is solid, we’ve done the research, we know it’s factual, but they have opinions, too. So who’s to say that their opinion’s not factual? So to understand that you only know what you know, and always be able to learn more. Because the second you think you know everything, you’re done. You’re not teachable or coachable anymore. So, I mean, I think that’s my most favorite book ever.

One of my friends, Michael Alden, he’s a very successful guy out of Boston. I just was back there doing his podcast a few months ago. But he’s written a book called 5% More. It was a really good book. And another one is Ask More, Get More.

Basically, the 5% More is just doing five percent more than you’re doing. Do five percent more today than you did yesterday. And Ask More, Get More, is like, when you’re trying to build a business or get fit or whatever, or maybe you’re single and you want to find a girlfriend, but you’re not asking anybody out. So don’t be afraid to ask. Don’t be afraid to ask for things and people who can help you, just things like that.

Actually, one of my favorite online guys, and he’s actually a network marketing guy, but I believe his stuff goes into just about anything, his name’s Ray Higdon. He’s just a genius on interacting with people and, from a sales perspective, getting them to come around your way, and not being aggressive and sell-y.

So those are the few that I really enjoy. And, of course, there’s the whole Rich Dad, Poor Dad, there’s Fitness Gurus, there’s you guys [at]. There’s a lot. There’s so much information right now that it’s literally mind-boggling. Those are a few of my favorites.

Schimri Yoyo: Those are some great recommendations, and I’m sure that gives our audience a wide range of resources to check out and to dive into. That’s great, expanding that knowledge base.

So thank you again, John, for your time and for just your great stories and anecdotes. I really appreciate all that you’ve done in your three decades plus in this industry, and we can’t wait to hear from you down the road.

John Bezerra: No, thank you. And I’m going to take you up on that Philadelphia stair-run.

Schimri Yoyo: Most definitely. You have my cellphone number. If not, I’ll send it to you in the email and we’ll definitely make that run together.

John Bezerra: Cool.

Schimri Yoyo: Alright. Have a good one, John.

John Bezerra: Thank you.

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