Best Abs Workout For Men Over 40 (8 MINUTE CIRCUIT) | Faster Fat Loss™

Fitness Workout for Men
0:00 Do a quick search for ab workouts on YouTube, and you’ll see thousands pop up. However just because there’s a lot you could do, doesn’t mean they’re all worthwhile. For older guys like you and me, it’s important to make the most efficient use of your time, and not do things that cause unnecessary stress on our spine, or low back – which a lot of common ab exercises can.

It’s not enough to just train hard, you’ve got to train smart too. That’s why today I’m sharing what I consider to be the best ab workout you can do if you’re over 40, 51 like me, or beyond. You’re gonna love this!

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1:11 James Johnson here from Blue Star Nutraceuticals, bringing you this week’s Faster Fat Loss workout. Today we’ve got a simple, straightforward ab workout that’s going to train every area of your core effectively, while ramping up your metabolism to burn off the extra body fat covering them up, so you can look and feel better than guys half your age.

And best of all, this can be done without any equipment, and in only 8 minutes. So you can do this any time, anywhere. So hit the thumbs up button if you’re looking forward to this, make sure you’re subscribed and let’s get going.

1:50 Workout Info:
As I mentioned this workout is designed to work every area of your core, including your upper and lower abs, your obliques, and even your deeper core muscles like your transverse abdominis. And the specifically selected exercises are both safe, and effective for building strong abs, while burning the extra body fat covering them up. And that’s why I call this the best ab workout for men over 40; all the results without wasted time, or the risk of injury.

For this workout, you’ll perform 4 exercises in circuit fashion.

You’ll perform each exercise for 30 seconds, then have 30 seconds to rest and set up for the next exercise. You should perform the exercises as quickly as you’re able to while maintaining full control of the movement. Your goal is to train with high intensity to maximize fat burning, without compromising form or safety, so train hard, but train smart.

You’ll complete 2 rounds with no additional rest, making this an 8 minute, total core-carving circuit.

As always the workout is listed for you in the description below.

So hit that thumbs up button, make sure you’re subscribed, and let’s get to work.

2:57 Exercise #1: Shoulder Tap Planks
Setup in a push-up position with your feet a bit wider than shoulder width. Keep your core braced and your body straight, parallel with the floor, then raise your right hand up and touch your left shoulder. Return to plank position and repeat with the left hand. Keep alternating side to side every rep until time is up!

3:21 Exercise #2: Chair Crunches
Keep your knees bent at 90 degrees, feet up, parallel with the floor and perform crunches with your hands beside your temples or across your chest. Don’t pull behind your neck to get yourself up – work your abs. You should feel the burn in the upper abs especially with these.

3:41 Exercise #3: Pulse-Ups
Lie flat on your back, perform a traditional leg raise, then when your legs reach the top, kick your hips up into the air and extend your legs up higher then lower back down under control. Keep your feet a few inches off the ground and your core activated the entire time. This will really work those lower abs!

4:04 Exercise #4: Bicycle Crunches
Lie on your back, hands at your temples, shoulders and feet off the ground. Drive your opposing knee up as you crunch your elbow in and twist your body, touching your elbow to your opposite knee, then alternate side to side so your feet are pedaling in the air like riding a bicycle.

4:27 Workout Recommendation:
Beginner/Short on time? Go for 8 minutes.
Really looking to crank up the fat burning? Double, or even triple it!

Now you’ve got a quick, effective workout you can perform whenever you want to improve your abs and carve out your midsection, no matter what your age.

Leave a comment below to let me know how this workout went for you, hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed this, and want to see more like it, share with friends or family over 40, and don’t forget to subscribe to Blue Star Nutraceuticals with notifications on so you never miss our new videos every week.

Train smart, and I’ll see you in the next video!


#FasterFatLoss #MenOver40 #AbWorkout

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